A tragic series of events has shaken the community as three young men lost their lives to gun violence in the southern part of the island within three days. These incidents, occurring on August 25th and August 27th, highlight the need to address the growing problem of senseless killings in the area.
The first incident unfolded on Friday evening, August 25th, when a young man named Arnell St. Rose was fatally shot multiple times in Anse Ger, Micoud. The victim, who hails from Grace Vieux Fort, was shot while driving and later succumbed to his injuries.
The situation grew even more dire on Sunday evening, August 27th, as two young men were shot in Aupicon, Vieux Fort. This deepened the sense of fear and despair within the community. The victims, Dave Edgard (20 years old) and Lufus Evans (21 years old), both from Clarke Street Vieux Fort, were well-known and respected among their peers. Initial reports suggest that they were leaving a community event when they were ambushed by gunfire in what appears to be a deliberate attack.
Police investigations are still on-going into this matter.
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